
Easily track the most searched words from your browser tab.
SEO metrics for a domain
Passwords are shown in plain text in asterisk fields on the page being viewed
arcadeJunkie Search
Lookup domain information of website that you are currently browsing
Get access to all Netflix hidden categories
Extension for searching information and statistics about a poker room player on smarthand.pro Autopaste extension helps getting…
Integrates Forrester search results into Google search results.
Search Steam using the context menu
It's like the Google View Image button never left
Rabbit TV Plus
Inventory Search Bar for ROBLOX ~ Luaox
TabiTab Search Manager is the first Chrome extension to let Chrome users change their default search to a custom URL. It also…
AniSched for Chrome Browser. Table from Anissia.net
Tra từ điển & mẫu câu song ngữ Anh - Việt, Việt - Anh
Finds IPs, Domains, MD5, SHA256, SHA1, fuzzy hashes and file names in web pages and matches to FireEye iSIGHT intelligence
Blocks domains/hosts from appearing in your Google/Baidu search results.
This extension will let you search for a text in the transcript or subtitles of a youtube video and jump to the corresponding part.
Get to know what shopify apps an online store is using.
Highlight similar words on the page. (on double tap/click)
Get definitions for Turkish, English, German words through Tureng, TDK, Eksi Sozluk, Urban, Linguee
Search within the current subdomain or within the entire domain.
Add new links to Linky.
It forwards you when your ISP has blocked TPB
This extension shows you more info about kitties for sale.
mixPhotoz Search
Language Switcher for Google™ allows to switch between Google Results sets according to your language of choice
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