Instantly Create short URLs & a QR code of your current tab.
Qr Code Scanner - Free Qr Code Scanner Online
Generate short URL of the current page and get its QR code in just one click.
Get the respective URL on your device via QR Scanner in no time
Chrome QRCode generator
Shorten and expand URLs with TinyW.in and upload images and screenshots to Phota.me
Offline QR Code Generator/Editor (URL and Text)
根据当前页面的 URL 生成 QR 码
This extension shows the QR code for the url of the current page or the text you input. You can save the QR code as a png file.
Login Facebook with QR code
This program is built to record audio from audio streams on the WQRI website.
Generate QR Code From current URL
Make a QR code with logo in less than 1 minute!.
Secure Quick Reliable Login
Acorta las URL de forma fácil y descargare el código QR
Generate QR Code for installing Android apps on your device while surfing web-based Google Play™ (no sign-in required)
Create your own QR Codes! Design your QR Code with custom image
Quickly send viewing web page or any other text to your mobile using QR code.


Show current web URL as a QRCode so you may scan with your mobile device.
Create QR Code quickly
A QR code generator.
Scan QR code in image in clipboard. If you want to scan QR code on your computer, simply take screen-shot(or snip like…
Crie QR Codes personalizados gratuitamente, e salve em diversos formatos (PNG ou SVG) para obter a melhor qualidade de impressão.
Lector codigo Qr esta desarrollado para leer las imagenes Qr
Piazza Automated Related Question Recommender. PARQR recommends similar posts on Piazza to save you time!
Generates QR code from any text (URL, message, number, etc.)
QR码发生器。 快速生成QR码! 转换URL链接或文本并下载QR图像。
Generate QRCode of any URL from your browser and scan it with smartphone.
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