阻止 YouTube™ 广告、弹出窗口并抵御恶意软件!
一款无与伦比的广告拦截扩展,用以对抗各式广告与弹窗。可以拦截 Facebook、YouTube 和其它所有网站的广告。
5 STAR Adblocker with the most complete adblocker filterlists for you. Install now and never see and ad again. Free.
Adblocker blocks ads, pop-up and preroll ads for Youtube and the Web.
Fast AdBlock is a popular tool for blocking ads in the browser.
Make your computer run smoothly by suspending the tabs you aren't using
Ads Blocker is the most advanced adblock tool for Chrome
Adbear fiercely protects you from ads and scams
Relentless and easy to use adblocker
Remove all ads and improve your browsing experience
Adbear fiercely protects you from ads and scams
Remove ads and annoying content from webpages.
Stop ads - Make the web cleaner
uBlocker is a fast, efficient & most effective adblocker utility on the planet.
Removes ads on Youtube. It also allows you to block annotations and pre-rolls.
Unstoppable adblocker
Join the digital resistance movement against ads!
Block coin miners using your computer ressources without your consent.
Adblocker by Trustnav is the definitive adblock as it removes popups, annoying banners and video ads.
Ad-Blocker Pro is the best ad blocker for your web browser.
Adblock For Youtube 这是针对youtube的自动广告跳过,广告拦截器,在youtube主屏幕中隐藏广告横幅。
Nullify ads! Effortless and effective ad blocker.
一款无与伦比的广告拦截扩展,用以对抗各式广告与弹窗。可以拦截 Facebook、YouTube 和其它所有网站的广告。
J2TEAM Firewall是一款可以帮助谷歌浏览器用户屏蔽HayHayTV中所有广告的Chrome插件。
广告拦截扩展对抗广告和弹出窗口。拦截 Facebook,Youtube 和所有其它网站的广告。
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