Explore npm dependencies on GitHub repos
Displays npm package stats on GitHub
Copy to clipboard posted code from stackoverflow.com, github.com & npmjs.com. Clipboard usage history.
Evaluate NPM packages by listing top GitHub projects that depend on them
See open-source insights such as downloads graph and star history on npm and GitHub
Enhance Package.json on Github by linking up modules to NPM
To use, type 'npm' plus your search term into the url bar.
Automatically adds javascript bundle size data to npm and github project pages
Inject javascript on each page load + hot reload. For local files install npm package 'filesystem-server'
Adds a link to unpkg.com for packages on npmjs.org
NPM Search & Update, type 'npm' plus your package name into the url bar
Adds a button to browse files of a package on NPM
Display nodei.co npm badges on GitHub README files for Node.js packages
Annotates npm website with information about how TypeScript-friendly a package is.
Adds a try it on repl.it link to npm package pages
npm 搜索工具.
Check health of Open Source components directly from forge websites (github, gitlab, npmjs...)
Turn selected text on a webpage into an npm package lookup
Display download counts alongside NPM author pages
it marks blacklisted gulp modules when browsing (NPM and GitHub).
A Chrome extension that adds a dialog with github stats to the package's npmjs page
Show the total number of nested dependencies on npm
Quickly view your npm packages' download stats in Google Chrome.
The extension replaces ''npm i'' with ''yarn add'', on the npmjs website
Manage your favorite node packages
Allows you to load bower/npm compatible modules into your browser persistently on a page-by-page basis, and opens them up to…
Plugin that redirects NPMJS package detail page to Github.
https://www.npmjs.com/ の `npm i` テキストを `yarn add` へ変更
This extension allows you to manage your app's dpHelper NPM. Manager system and dev tools by Dario Passariello ©
Redirect npm.org packages directly to the package's actual home page.
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