Capture a screenshot of your current page in entirety and reliably—without requesting any extra permissions!
Draw shapes, lines, and add text to live web pages and take screenshot.
Screenshot reading support for Read&Write for Google Chrome™
ScreenShot and capture the whole Page, the whole tab and save it in PDF, PNG or copy to the clipboard
Screenshot tool with screen video recording. Take screen capture with further edit, download or text adding. Free Screen Recorder.…
Take a screenshot and annotate with a powerful editor.
This innovative screenshot tool lets users capture and edit any images that show up on their screens!
ScreenShot & Screen Capture Elite Is The Best Screen Shot Extension - Full Page Screen Capture, Webpage Screenshot And More!
Dedicated API for fetching the float value, paint seed, and screenshots of CS:GO items on the Steam Market or Inventories
Bookmark, Archive, Screenshot & Markup - All-In-One Web Collector, must-have research tool
Take a screenshot of any YouTube video with one click.
Take awesome screenshots of entire websites and capture page elements. No sign up. Offline. By Conceptboard
It's a set of most useful features for Instagram: direct messages, upload stories and IGTV, screenshot capture, and much more!
Draw anything right on websites in real time and taking a screenshot!
Draw anything (shapes, lines or add text) right on websites in real time and taking a screenshot!
Capture awesome screenshot and edit full page using our screenshot tool
Capture a region, visible content of a tab, or a horizontally/vertically scrollable page as a searchable image & bookmark it.
Selenium IDE alternative to record and export Selenium scripts. With reports & screenshots. Fast & open-source.
Snap it and mark it up. Screenshot and Annotate tool.
ClickUp is a productivity platform that makes your personal and work lives more productive, saving you time.
Grab any image on the web and share it instantly.
Capture screenshots in a user friendly way
Automatically create beautiful step-by-step guides with screenshots, in seconds.
Full-page screenshot tool with annotations
ScreenShot and Screen Capture Is The Best Screen Shot Extension - Full Page Screen Capture, Webpage Screenshot And More!
Take a screenshot. Record your screen. Take a scrolling screenshot. Find, share & edit your screenshot or screen record.
Auto-generate step-by-step guides, just by clicking record. Save your team 20+ hours/month vs. video and text tutorials.
Write text, draw any shapes, erase directly on the page, take screenshots of what you drew.
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