The fastest and safest web browsing experience.
Fast AdBlock is a popular tool for blocking ads in the browser.
The easiest, fastest way to capture articles, videos, and more.
Fast-forward, rewind, adjust playback speed on any video
Fast, one-click access to millions of research papers.
Block annoying ads, popups, malware and tracking (even on Facebook & Youtube), browse faster, and protect your privacy.
Video Downloader Plus - The fastest and easiest way to download any video from any website.
Adblock blocks unwanted ads for Youtube and the Web. Light and fast adblo
Clean your Chrome to make it works faster and protect your privacy.
uBlocker is a fast, efficient & most effective adblocker utility on the planet.
Removes ads on Youtube. It also allows you to block annotations and pre-rolls.
uBlocker is a fast, efficient & most effective adblocker utility for Chrome
Reliable video downloader for Chrome. The fastest and easiest way to to download any video from any website.
Fastest Way to Copy Text from Videos & Images
Ad Remover blocks online ads and activity trackers, which helps sites load faster and protect your privacy.
Make the web faster, more private, and more secure.
Fast-forward, rewind, adjust playback speed on any video
Convert & compress videos, record webcam videos. Get faster YouTube uploads. Free & secure.
Fast and reliable ad blocking software.
Ad blocker fast, effective and easy to use.
A simple, secure and fast Cardano ADA wallet.
Расширение позволяет беспрепятственно заходить на заблокированные сайты.
Open, edit and share PDF and Office files in your browser. Simple, fast, and easy to use
The fastest and easiest way to open Google Drive from your browser bar.
Download All Stories & Videos & Photos from Instagram Anonymously.
Fast-paced '90s-style first-person shooter with an abstract 2.5D-meets-voxels aesthetic, made entirely in JavaScript / WebGL.
Genesis Plus adblocker removes all ads and popups from all websites! The fastest adblock available plus modern controls and features
Fast and convenient translator. Supports more than 100 languages, saves translation history...
Download any video and music from any website! Fast, easy, free!
The fastest and simplest ad blocker. Blocks all ads including Facebook and video ads. Added security guards against online threats.
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