Instapaper browser extension to save links for offline reading.
Defer your readings to Instapaper™, Pocket™, Readability™, Kippt™, Pinboard™ and Buffer™.
Adds Instapaper support to Google Chrome
Open pages in Instapaper Text via the toolbar icon, keyboard shortcut, or right clicking links.
Click on the Instpaper button to read the current page in Instapaper text now.
Boost your Instapaper - unread count, offline add, keyboard shortcuts, compact layout and more!
Visit instapaper.com/notes and click the extension icon to export your highlights from Instapaper.
Instantly view any compatible web page in Instapaper's text view.
Some tweaks to instapaper.com
Send the current page or link to your Instapaper list via button or contextual menu, with easy access to unread list
Adds an icon showing your Instapaper unread item count.
Save in-page links to Pocket (aka Read It Later), Instapaper; see popup of saved URLs inline in Twitter, Google+, Search & more.
Send web page to Instapaper using its bookmarklet
Simple and intuitive way of saving Hacker News stories to read later. Supports Pocket and Instapaper as Reading Later services.…
Add a 'Download Highlights' button to Instapaper articles
Export Instapaper highlights to Markdown
Right-click context menu option to save a link to Instapaper
Add syntax highlighting to Readability & Instapaper
Adding URLs to Instapaper service
Filters Notes by article on Instapaper's Notes Page
Keybinds for Instapaper
Add a 'Radbox' action for sending Instapaper items to Radbox
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