Join the digital resistance movement against ads!
Adblocker by Trustnav is the definitive adblock as it removes popups, annoying banners and video ads.
Fast and reliable ad blocking software.
Ad blocker fast, effective and easy to use.
Video AdBlocker
The only YouTube™ ad blocker built by AdBlock, the most popular Chrome extension with 60 million users worldwide
Blocks Ads and Popups in Chrome.
Make YouTube tidy+smart! YouTube video color ad skip volume speed channel tool style HD ads adblock adblocker tags keyword playlist
Adblock tool with great efficiency. Block all Ads in the social network.
Easy to use adblocker for your browser
Blocks Ads on Twitch.tv.
Genesis Plus adblocker removes all ads and popups from all websites! The fastest adblock available plus modern controls and features
Effectively removes all types of advertising on all web pages
Companion extension for Nano Adblocker
广告拦截扩展对抗广告和弹出窗口。拦截 Facebook,Youtube 和所有其它网站的广告。
Video Adblocker
Stop all kinds of ads and protect from malware
Join the digital resistance movement against ads!
Adblock for youtube™
Blocks advertising, trackers and popups
Blazing Adblock for Youtube blocks ads from Youtube. Block ads, banners, preroll ads.
An adblocker
Adblock For Youtube 这是针对youtube的自动广告跳过,广告拦截器,在youtube主屏幕中隐藏广告横幅。
This ad blocker blocks banners, pop-ups and all kinds of ads on websites, including video ads on Youtube, Crunchyroll, etc.
Adblocker fast, effective and easy to use.
Free adblocker against advertising and pop-ups, for youtube and other popular video websites
The perfect AdBlocker for streaming
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