Amplify sound volume by up to 500%
Learn languages completely free, without ads or hidden charges. It's fun, easy, and scientifically proven.
Adds features and notifiers made by WebGL3D to the Roblox website
Allows Google Workspace administrators to view laptop and desktop status, including OS, device, and user information.
Extension to use digital certificates within webpages
The BioDigital Human is a 3D platform that simplifies the understanding of anatomy, disease and treatments. Explore the body in 3D!
Increase volume above maximum for all videos and music
Extensão para acessar certificados digitais. Esta extensão é utilizada somente nas aplicações da Certisign.
Digital Signature of eReturns, PDF & Web User Auth, RSA Encryption/Decryption, Certificate Enrollment/Download on Smartcard.
Make calls, send SMS, preview Inbox, and get notified of new messages. (US only)
The LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 Programming App simplifies student access to, and promotes their engagement with, STEM subjects.
Manage your Polkadot accounts outside of dapps. Injects the accounts and allows signing transactions for a specific account.
This extension lights up with a new notification count whenever you have new activity waiting for you at LinkedIn.
Плагин для электронной подписи
Louder Volume Amplifier & Speaker Booster.
Unofficial enhacement for WhatsApp™ Web notifications.
Sends you a notification when somebody views your social profile
Hands down, the best instagram extension for Google Chrome
SMS from PC or Mac using your Android #. Sync Text Messages, Calls, Notifications, Photos, Battery Status
Angular DevTools extends Chrome DevTools adding Angular specific debugging and profiling capabilities.
Hangouts Chat and Hangouts Meet for Google Chrome. Notifications, messages, emojis, calls, video-calls. Google Hangouts. Gmail Chat
Extensão Serasa Experian
Refresh a page automatically and get notified when keywords change.
Add Chrome notifications to hangouts
支持多个标签和帐户的通知工具,适用于 Google Mail (Gmail)
Emissão, renovação e assinatura com certificado digital.
Check weather report and forecast in your browser new tab. Play around with weather specific custom background in your new tab.
Allows to share your entire screen or a specific window in Skyroom application. It also provides tab recording.
This extension is used to digitally sign documents with digital certificates.
Allows Duo Beyond customers to check the trustworthiness of Chrome OS devices using Google Verified Access. http://duo.sc/gva
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