可将网络上的任何内容保存到 OneNote。将其剪贴到 OneNote 中、进行整理和编辑,然后通过任何设置进行访问。
Clip part of a web page , or a whole page to Microsoft OneNote right from the right-click menu.
Universal open source web clipper for Notion,OneNote,Joplin,Yuque,Bear,Github and more notes.
Clip selected content to OneNote right from the context menu (Right Click Menu).
Take FULL webpage screenshots. Capture, edit and save them to PDF/JPEG/GIF/PNG, upload, print, send to OneNote, clipboard or email.
Save any Gmail™ email to Microsoft OneNote™ with one click
Universal open source web clipper for Notion,OneNote,Joplin,Yuque,Bear,Github and more notes.
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