The world's most popular userscript manager
Userscript support for Chromium based browsers like Opera and Chrome.
Lightweight Userscript manager. Provides userscripts support for Chromium browsers
The world's most popular userscript manager
Userscript manager
This extension is used to enhance your Agar.io experience by installing and managing so called userscripts.
Light userscript manager for daily needs. ODM SandBox lets you extend websites functionality.
The most comprehensive 4chan userscript.
Userscript support for Chromium based browsers like Opera and Chrome.
This extension helps you discover applicable tampermonkey UserScripts and stylish Customized Styles for the site you are exploring.
Add-on for Tampermonkey allowing an userscript to copy text to the clipboard using GM_setClipboard API
Links together various userscripts for the SCP Foundation website
Userscript manager
Show easter eggs for Dinosaur Comics. Based on this script: http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/review/128475.html
Cross-browser userscript for maximum lurking on 4chan.
Fügt der deutschen eSport-Webseite zusätzliche Funktionen hinzu.
A collection of userscripts to make Moodle developers' life easier.
See http://www.awesomenauts.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=14730 for more info.
The worlds first userscript manager for IOGames
userscript/userstyle manager based on gist
erepbulik battle status 版本:1.2.4 bug fixed 版本:1.2.1 显示战场信息 可手动更新战场信息状态 详见:http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/155320
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