Adds a toggle to use a grid layout in Google Meets
Puts a timer into any web tool and allows quick real time productivity tracking with all the data stored on your Toggl account
Wrapper window for Spotify's web-player with easy access toggle, next and previous buttons
Enable or disable JavaScript without the hassle.
Adds a toggle to use a grid layout in Google Meets
Adds a toggle to flip Google Meet camera image, Flip camera to match what others really see.
Adds a toggle to use a grid layout in Google Meets (New update 2020)
Logs User Inputs
Toggle 21:9 Video on Disney Plus to be full screen on Ultrawide monitors (Removes Black Bars)
Minimal and fast extension to toggle debug mode of Odoo
Video Converter supports almost all video formats; .flv, mp4, avi, wmv, mp3, ogg, webm and more
Adds a toggleable dark theme to Crunchyroll.com
For server side logging and debugging in chrome console.
Allows environment selection and debug toggling for DTM and Launch, by Adobe. This handy extension from the analytics team at…
Forces YouTube to open the player in the theater mode (full-width mode) even if you are logged out
Never Get Logged Out of any website due to idling!
Quickly toggle a Bootstrap Grid Overlay that automatically uses your application's styles to determine how it looks.
Keyword selection. Templates of annotations and cards and copying them from another videos. Extended Statistics.
Wonde makes logging into applications at school a breeze!
Generates file with AWS STS Keys after logging in to AWS webconsole using SSO (SAML 2.0). It leverages 'assumeRoleWithSAML' API.
This extension enables Maximizing the Video/Screencast part of a Hangout and have it fullscreen if you toggle browser with…
Disables history logging
Makes Immutable JS objects more readable when they are logged to the console.
Adds a toggle to use a grid layout in Google Meets
Coggle IT Plus是一款专门为谷歌浏览器用户设计的简约漂亮的在线思维导图工具,支持多人协作。
For muting and unmuting Google Meet from the extension icon.
This extension stops YouTube™ playlists from going to the next video automatically by toggling autoplay to 'off'.
Temple Run Online Game is an online game that you can play in modern browsers for free. Temple Run 2, OZ All Game
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