

Create and edit documents
Easily edit, annotate, eSign and transform any PDF from Google Drive into a fillable PDF form.
Listen to docs, articles, PDFs, email — anything you read — with our leading text-to-speech reader.
Dark mode for Google Docs!
Create new Documents for Google Drive from your browser bar.
Allows students to see rubric alert and button in Google Docs editor
Add AODocs® features to Google Workspace™ (Google Drive™, Docs™, Sheets™, Slides™, Drawings™ and Gmail™).
Send docs for electronic signature, or add your own signature in minutes. Sign PDFs directly from Google Drive or Gmail.
Open and view any online file in your browser. Supports almost all major file and document formats. Fast, easy to use and free.
Wizkids Orddeling er en tilføjelse til Google Chrome, som kan dele ord på dansk i et Google Docs dokument. Wizkids Orddeling giver…
The simplest way to add line numbers to any Google Docs document
Edit your Google Drive files in any file format with your local applications.
编辑、创建和查看您的文档、电子表格和演示文稿 - 无需连接互联网。
Annotate web pages, PDFs, Google Slides, and Google Docs to improve engagement. Annotate in Google Meet when screen sharing.
Math tool for Google Docs
使用编辑器在线创建和编辑 doc 和 docx 文档
Quickly insert links to any of your DocSend documents or Spaces right inside Gmail.
Make your cursor rainbow in Google Docs.
Record Google Meet captions, chat messages, and screenshots to Google Docs.
Multilingual AI grammar and spell checker for Google Docs, Gmail, and your favorite sites.
Google Docs Dark Theme是一款专门为谷歌浏览器用户设计的适用于Google文档的最佳深色主题。
直接在Gmail、Google Docs、Google Drive和Chrome浏览器PDF预览视图中为文稿签名。
Docsvision Windows Client Launcher
Super calculator with ability to graph, type or handwrite equations. Equation cropping to input equations into docs & forms.
The distraction free mode (▣) for Google Docs and Google Slides hides all controls and buttons and lets you focus on creation.
Share Google Contacts like you share Google Docs with Gmail and Google Workspace (G Suite) users using Shared Contacts for Gmail®.
Create beautiful emails by designing them in Google Docs
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