Open Github and Gitlab links in VSCode
This extension shows a VS Code icons in Github Repositories
Surf github / gitlab / bitbucket repository in vscode with github.surf
one-click clone with VSCode
Load GitHub PRs and issues in vscode, visual studio, jetbrains and atom.
Adds a button to download .vsix files from VSCode extension marketplace
Opens Github or Bitbucket diff lines locally in your editor. Supports vscode, vscode-insiders and textmate. more to come!
open open.vscode.dev by right click
This extension allow send test cases from Neps Academy to the VSCode extension CPH.
Multiple vscode features to enable in chrome
Adds useful buttons on repos' homepage like VSCode and Jetbrains' Suite cloning; GitHub1s and Codesandbox viewer.
GitHub Button Editor makes it easy for you to open code repositories to the Github1s, CodeSandbox, Gitpod, and VSCode platforms.
A bridge between vscode marketplace and open-vsx.
Quickly open github repos with vscode.dev or clone a repo directly to vscode.
open this repository in vscode.
Button to open github repo in VS Code
Add button to GitLab files/diffs to open them in your local editor. Currently supports VSCode, Emacs, and Rider.
Open source control web pages in vscode.dev
VSCode-like search for Github
Takes your git repo url you are currently on and displays that in vscode
Open repository on vscode.dev or codesandbox instantly
Button to open github repo in VS Code
Github - create 'Open with VScode' button
Styles MDN code blocks like the default vscode theme.
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