Quick overview of your Google Calendar with one-click access to locations & documents
Record your screen and camera with one click. Share that content in an instant with a link.
Download all images from page in one click
With hundreds of thousands of themes, skins & free backgrounds, you can customize any website with your own color scheme in a click.
Make it possible to open by click a link to a local file that is disabled by Chrome.
Fast, one-click access to millions of research papers.
Download photos and videos from Instagram™ quickly and easily! Supported Stories download! Supported mass download in one click!
Download online video in one click. Supports HTML5 videos and popular video sites.
Clear your cache and browsing data with a single click of a button.
Automatically create website citations in the APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard referencing styles at the click of a button.
Adskip clicks on Skip Ad buttons on Youtube. Works only on Youtube!
The #1 Converter tool that supports PDF, Word, Excel, PPT, JPG. Convert PDF to different formats and vice versa in one click.
Download all images from page in one click
This is think-cell's companion browser extension. With two clicks, it lets you import images or link Tableau charts to think-cell.
Deletes typed URLs, Cache, Cookies, your Download and Browsing History...instantly, with just 1-click on the Eraser button!
Web data extraction tool with an easy point-and-click interface for modern web
Find email addresses from anywhere on the web, with just one click.
Install themes for Vkontakte in one click, or adjust colors, backgrounds, fonts and more as you prefer in the settings menu.
This extension enables ClickOnce apps in Google Chrome.
My translator - In-context translator tool. Select and click - get translation
Allow selecting, copying, pasting and right clicking in some restricted pages.
Adds basic support for launching ClickOnce applications (by Menarva Ltd).
One-click access to millions of scholarly articles.
Translate your selected text with Google Translate in one click. Translation in a simplest way.
Force Enable Right Click & Copy
Lusha is the easiest way to find B2B contact information with just one click.
Re-enable the possibility to use the context menu on sites that overrides it.
The 3CX browser extension provides click2call from any website or CRM system for 3CX PBX users.
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