Work outside the perimeter
rockstar adds a bunch of great features to Okta, like exporting to a CSV.
Automatically send an Okta Verify push notification or SMS.
Redirection Extension for NoMAD Pro.
Okta Remote for Your Tenant
This extention intercepts SAML workflow between your IDP (e.g Okta) and AWS and generates of AWS CLI creds
This extension is required by Auth.io to display detailed request/responses. Created by Okta Inc.
Kotlebove skutočné meno
Display full name instead of GAIA/Okta ID for ENGIE GitHub Enterprise instance
This reporting tool will fetch report from Okta into CSV.
Set Index for order of attributes
Fix the 2FA code box so that the entire input box can be used
oktaka okey, oktaka okey oyna, online oktaka okey, oktaka okey sitesi, oktaka okey anasayfa
Set shortcuts for your favorite websites, and type *those* instead of the full URL. For example, you can set `m/` to go to…
Ebook Reader Utility
Save your favorite web sites using a tag bookmarks.
Birçok bilgiye tek noktadan, hızlı ve güvenli bir şekilde ulaşabilmenizi sağlayan faydalı ve kullanışlı bir Chrome eklentisi.
BOKTAN site chrome eklentisi
Alphabetizes Okta tiles
Sorts the Okta chiclets by alphabetical order.
Bu oyunda yapmanız gereken; Robot adam ile birlikte araştırma noktasına gidin.
Tiện ích trình duyệt tối ưu nội dung cho bạn!
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