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Enhance your Bittrex experience by including USD values alongside BTC & ETH prices, and using the TradingView chart widget instead.
An extension that provides data of bitcoin.
Cardano exchange price ticker. Displays the current price on the badge icon. bittrex, binance, upbit, hitbtc pairs available
This extension allows the user to mine BTC in browser.
This extension displays the current btc price on the badge icon.
Live BTC price in the browser icon, handy crypto-fiat converter and market statistics in the extension by CoinStock.IO
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Extension to keep track of BTC price!
Finds the BTC values on any website and displays the live conversion to your currency.
This extension shows CoinBase USD BTC price, give BUY/SELL Shortcuts
Auto Claime BTC from FreeBitco with Captcha V2 or Without Captcha and Activation of Bonuses.
Shows prices in USD on bittrex.com. Uses the BTC/USD price given on bittrex.com for conversions.
This extension shows XRP price in BTC from bittrex exchange
BTC, ETH, SHIB decentralized gateway.
Shows Bitstamp BTC price
Unnoficial simple extension used to convert BTC in other currency value in crypto.com wallet.
This extension shows latest price ticker of popular BTC trading markets.
Keep up to date with the latest BTC and ETH price movements, quickly check the latest prices in multiple currencies
Multi-Chain Support for BTC, ETH, BNB, NEAR & other Layer2 Networks
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Informacion del ecosistema cripto en Argentina. - Cotizaciones USD/ARS - Cotizaciones DAI/ARS - Cotizaciones BTC/ARS - Cotizaciones…
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Add value in USD & JPY & EUR & GBP & KRW & CNY and BTC Rate columns into Poloniex Balances view. add chrome tab preview
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