Search MDN within Chrome omnibox itself
Dark Mode theme for Mozilla Developer Network
Browse MDN in your preferred language.
To use, type 'mdn' plus your search term into the url bar.
在地址栏上快速搜索 MDN Web 文档,并提供自动完成功能。
Quickest way to look something up on MDN ( Mozilla Developer Network ).
Add a dark mode with different themes to the MDN Web Docs website. Open-Source.
This extension searches the highlighted keyword in Mozilla Developer Network.
MDN documentation search
Search docs on MDN in 3 steps
Browse the old style MDN Web Docs.
切换 mdn 中英文页面
Make searching MDN quick and easy. Now, a dropdown containing a quick preview of the MDN doc you are searching for will appear.
Search MDN directly, without having to go through Google!
Search both MDN and NPM from the url omnibox.
This Chrome extension is developed primary for MDNet Connect.
better mdn to read
Styles MDN code blocks like the default vscode theme.
chrome extension
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