NONIOBlocker - remover o NONIO nunca foi tão fácil
Closes incognito tabs, if a request is made
Traduit en Français l'éditeur OzoBlockly
This extension blocks the gyazo ads.
EcoBlock deprograms you from consumerism by replacing ads with images that encourage eco-friendly behavior
Automatically win Auto-Giveaways, View BlockSelector winner quickly, View BlockFaces winner quickly, View any user's profile
Removes Borowitz Articles from The New Yorker Most Popular
Stop corona virus related stuff from stressing you out when browsing.
Der einzige Werbeblocker, der auf das homöopathische Prinzip setzt. Unentdeckbar von Webseiten, deshalb 100% effektiv.
BolsoBlock remove propagandas políticas para que o brasileiro tenha ao menos um minuto de paz na internet de vez em quando.
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