“Ecosia ”相关的搜索结果
This extension sets your search engine to Ecosia and customizes your new tab page so you can plant trees with every search.
A Dark-mode extension for ecosia
A dark theme for the Ecosia search engine
Adds an unobtrusive link to Ecosia to allow convenient Google searches
Counts how many trees you have planted while using Ecosia.
Ecosia language switcher
This extention allow to use keyboard short-cuts on Ecosia.org.
Browse Ecosia in dark mode - save the planet, and your eyes.
Basic keyboard shortcuts for the Ecosia search results page.
Adds icons to search results in google and ecosia search


Plant a tree with Ecosia on the way to your Google search results.
Use less energy by viewing your favourite eco-friendly search engine, Ecosia, in dark mode
Remove Pinterest images from Ecosia image search results
Use Pangea to quickly alternate between Ecosia and Google search.
Add a Button to Ecosia.org to quickly look the same thing up in Google.com
Adds a context menu item to search on Ecosia.org
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