Easily write more thoughtful and effective e-mails using social data and linguistic AI.
Text translation without page reloading
HiztegiBar hainbat hiztegi eta baliabide linguistikoetan bilaketak egiten laguntzen duen tresna da.
Context-based learning software teaching Spanish through word-replacement
Corpus is a large collection of texts. It is a body of written or spoken material upon which a linguistic analysis is based.
You can change your life once you understand how your mind works! Neuro Linguistic Programming is the way forward.
Context-based learning software teaching Chinese through word-replacement
Language Savant for unknown, lost or new programming languages on GitHub.
PNL News - Tutti gli Articoli sulla PNL Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica della Scuola Italiana di PNL.
Extension to linguistically classify the repositories of a user on Github
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Verificador Gramatical Sociolinguisticamente Orientado
Context-based learning software teaching Turkish through word-replacement
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