Get insight into the performance of the website in the current tab - sort of a mini live version of WebPageTest
This extension launches WebPageTest for the current page
Test your page performance with Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, Yellow Lab Tool and WebPageTest at once, with one single click
Get test answers easily
The Chrome plugin for pageTrap.com. A webservice for converting URLs and HTML to PDF or Image files.
Add a feature to search page tree by its name.
Provide on-site visual feedback for websites.
Missing Pages Troll
make work easily
Check the SEO of the website
Page Tab Manger
Copy PageTitle and URL as MarkDown format.
This extension highlights all words on the page of the word you have selected.
One-click bookmark saving tool. Save your bookmarks on the cloud with pagetokeep.com
Füge die URL der aktuellen Site direkt als Lesezeichen zu deinem Account bei pagetags hinzu.
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