Shows impact factors/JCR quartile, filter search results by impact factors/JCR quartile, and more
EasyPubMed makes PubMed easy to use
Converting selected PMID to Endnote
Abstract search tool
CoCites adds a one-click button in PubMed to show frequently co-cited articles
Easily register your publications in LinkedIn using PubMed IDs or DOIs.
Generates citation file on one click of icon.
Color codes journals in PubMed according to their Eigenfactor Article Influence score (a measure of journal impact).
Add search words at PubMed search box.
日本人のための PubMed 文献検索補助ツール
PubMed search in the Omnibox
This extension searches for selected text on PubMed via right-click and shows the result on a new 'passive' tab
Replaces journal names with Altmetric scores in PubMed search results
Understand citation contexts as you browse PubMed papers.
This extension adds funding and conflict-of-interest information to the abstract page of Pubmed articles (when available)
Adds a "Copy PMID" button to NLM PubMed pages.
Analyze the local citation network of a published pubmed paper.
Perform PubMed advanced search in natural language and export results with a click!
This browser extension inserts a button on PubMed search result pages that connects to SUNY Optometry's holdings, simplifying and…


Manage PubMed literature. Organize articles based on libraries and find related and recent articles.
A browser extension to add literature using DOIs and PubMed identifiers.
PubMed assistant for nimdone web application
Reformats PubMed titles to make for easier copying and pasting citations.
Phenotype-Wide Associations Database Plugin for PubMed
Inserts a pubmed study URL in the submission form at http://demo.medbiomarkers.com
Extends search functionality of https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ by visualizing collaboration networks.
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