Highlights transphobic/anti-LGBT and trans-friendly subreddits/users/facebook pages/groups with different colors.
Replace your new tab with the LGBT Pride 2019 Custom page, with bookmarks,apps, games and LGBT Pride 2019 wallpaper.
Rethemes Google Calendar to have multiple LGBTQ+ inspired color schemes based on several pride flags.
Includes HD gay pride images on every new tab such as rainbow flags LGBTQ symbols and more!
Replace your new tab with the LGBTQ Pride Custom page, with bookmarks,apps, games and LGBTQ Pride wallpaper.
Towleroad is news with homosexual tendencies, the go-to site for gay entertainment, politics, travel, media and men.
Discover which companies have a sparkling record with their LGBTQI2S employees, and which need glitter.
Gets rid of all those nasty little slurs that pop up online for LGBTQ+ people. Focuses on trans women.
Bloquea frases con palabras o expresiones que agredan a la comunidad LGBT+ transformandolos en comentarios a favor.
LGBT Pride Colors automatically changes the colors of your browser content to a full color spectrum of LGBT!
Keeping up-to-date on global exclusion
Replace your new tab with the Trans Lives Matter Custom page, with bookmarks, apps, games and Trans Lives Matter wallpaper.
A simple extension removing pride-themed rainbow loading bar from Figma
The official extension for lgbt women across the world.
Statut du stream GeekbandTheory


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