Jupyter Notebook Viewer
An extension for Google Chrome (and Chromium) which supports awesome Jupyter(IPython) Notebook themes.
Share this tool with anyone in your organization and they'll have the ability to screenshot valuable intel at any time.
Provides a helping hand when using Jupyter NoteBooks
Determine if your answers match the expected answers in a Coursera Jupyter notebook.
Copy the text when select any text on webpage
This Extension Provides Dark Mode for Jupyter before it is released officially
Jupyter Notebook code snippet chrome extension
簡易テキストブラウザ。 WEBサイトから画像や広告を削除し、基本的なレイアウトはそのままに 白背景に黒文字のシンプルな表示でブラウジングできます。 WEBの記事を集中して読みたい時、周囲の目を気にせずブラウジングしたい時にご利用ください。…
Add comments, cell and notebook versioning and real-time collaboration to JupyterLab and Notebooks, provided by curvenote.com
Add a button in BitBucket to view an IPython/Jupyter notebook in nbviewer
Notifies you when code cells terminate.
Gather insights from your competitors and landscape from any website into Kompyte.
Schedule Jupyter Notebooks to run daily, hourly or every five minutes
A browser extension to generate nbgitpuller (http://jupyterhub.github.io/nbgitpullerbgitpuller) links directly from GitHub
Easily share results from your local jupyter notebooks
Share this tool with anyone in your organization and they'll have the ability to screenshot valuable intel at any time.
Copy text quickly.
Show or hide jupyter notebook code when pressing on the extension icon.
Diff viewer for jupyter file(*.ipynb) in Github
This extension changes the background of jupyter notebook according to the port.
Copy the text when select any text on webpage
Opens any Jupyter notebook or clones a repository on Segmind.
Automatically insert the Neptune API token to the Jupyter configuration dialogue.


Мотивирайте своя екип и повишете тяхната лоялност.
Show or hide fastpages-style comment-marked jupyter notebook code when pressing on the extension icon.
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