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Grab live snapshots of anything on the internet, organize your collected content into folders and share with friends through SNS.
Allows you to stay signed into Wepware forever. It Automatically Signs in at a given interval.
Расширение для генерации сложного устойчивого к подбору и взлому пароля на базе простого и запоминающегося пароля.
The Expanded Reading list helps you to store links to wepsites for a later use
An Extension that effectively manages excessive tabs opened in Chrome wepage instance
Turn weps.cz page into something awesome.
Replaces any instance of Broncos with Bwancos.
The Exspanded Reading list helps you to store links to wepsites for a later use
soft dark provides dark mode for wep pages
light dark is a dark mode for wep page
A chrome extension tool for sorting a nodeList on a specific wepage to make it more user friendly
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