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FPL Tools

Tools to help fantasy premier league manager
Get more out of Fantasy Premier League! This adds improvements to fantasy.premierleague.com to make you better and get more points.
Supercharge your Fantasy Premier League experience with FPL Plus, free to download for a limited time while in beta testing.
Advanced statistical analysis and Artificial Intelligence to help you maximize your FPL points this season.
Shows stats and ranking information for a Fantasy Premier League team
Calculates insightful statistics for your Fantasy Premier League mini-leagues with the click of a mouse!
A tool to access other shirts on FPL - if a player is playing away, they play in their away shirt!
View the best transfers for your players.
Display the fixtures from upcoming gameweeks while selecting your fantasy football team.
A better way to get the latest statistics on all things fantasy premier league
# FFPlayerStatus What it does: At a high level, FFPlayerStatus gathers information about your fantasy league and uses it to…
A tool to help with decision making for FPL - using analytics!
Inspired from Original AppLaucher : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/odmpalfplhaahlgnkkonchfhpegdcgjm The AppJump is…
View all the teams in your private mini league in one shot. Operating instructions: - Open your mini league standings page in FPL.…
View live FPL


A browser extension for fantasy.premierleague.com - plan for future gameweeks and update points & league standings in real time.
A simple 'Dark Mode' extension that also helps focus the chat and video of Floatplane's live pages.
Save team drafts you create on Fantasy Premier League.
A simple extension which shows all the stats for your Fantasy Premier League team. It's free and easy to use.
New custom Kits for fantasy.premierleague.com FPL Wildcard Kits enables a "Custom Kit Skin" for a user's Fantasy Premier League…
Get the competitive edge in Draft Fantasy Premier League (FPL) by overlaying Rotowire rankings on the official FPL website.
fpl copy team to clipboard
Changes time on FPL site to local timezone
Floatplane Dark Mode extension for LIVE pages. *Update* Now includes dark mode for video pages.
Extension pour ne plus louper le loup
Display FPL current fixtures & results
See best previous rank of your rivals in mini league fast


fplugin: live scoring, including substitutions and bonus points for your head-to-head draft league on draft.premierleague.com
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