Save your children from "The Internet" by blocking 350+ websites.
Safe Lagoon #1 Parental Control - Blocks pornography & protects your family. The best free Parental Control ★★★★★


Photos of our planet from various subreddits, including /r/earthporn and others
在线匿名聊天(Anonymous Chat) + 实用工具(Tools) + 更多(And More)
Flags links to identified Russian propaganda domains on webpages
Reporting child sexual abuse material is as fast as clicking away.
Uses the top post in https://www.reddit.com/r/F1Porn to create a F1 image background in every new tab opened in Chrome.
Убирает авторизацию через VK на Pornhub
Chat with people in real time globally!!! 与同时和你一起看P的朋友们聊天分享。打开新世界,认识新朋友,体验新社交。 记得分享! Don't be too shy to share!!!
Nival bloquea el acceso a páginas de violencia o pornográfia, evitando que se acceda a esta información.
L’extension qui bloque l’accès aux sites porno
Shower Thoughts and Earth Porn
Pornhub introduced CC. They're not as funny as we thought. So we made them at least smart. Thus Spoke Zarathustra > [Moaning].
Turn NSFW Content into Food Porn
Si estás navegando por Porno protege el title cambiándolo por *****. También cambia favicon y title si navegas en redes sociales
Use AI technology to block pornographic images. The technology is not yet mature and is for testing purposes only.
No more pornographic ads for Lover's Lab!
Extensão do site videoporno.tv
Start you new tabs with top images from reddit.com/r/EarthPorn!
Método 15P é o método que vai ensinar você a como vencer o vício em pornografia para sempre!
calculates the sum of the order for catering
A simple extension to quickly block or unblock any website to focus on what matters & save child from pornography!.
New tab page to help stay away from pornography
Replaces the new tab page with an image from reddit.com/r/EarthPorn and a Today I Learned fact from reddit.com/r/todayilearned.
Base Level Extension
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