

Create and edit documents
Quick overview of your Google Calendar with one-click access to locations & documents
Securely edit, fax and sign PDF and Word documents for free. Fill forms. Merge documents and reorder pages. Create templates.
Scopus authenticated users can download PDF files directly from Scopus!
Validate and view JSON documents
Seesaw is a student-driven digital portfolio that empowers students to independently document what they are learning at school.
Easily edit, annotate, eSign and transform any PDF from Google Drive into a fillable PDF form.
Listen to docs, articles, PDFs, email — anything you read — with our leading text-to-speech reader.
Share the screen from your computer in a video conversation, to show presentations, photos and documents.
Extensão para realizar Assinaturas Digitais em documentos a partir do navegador.
Dark mode for Google Docs!
Listen to any email, webpage, google doc, PDF and kindle book! AI powered smart voice reader, with natural voices.
Browser Checkup parasite-extensions that make your browser slow and clanky. Get examed by the Doctor & make your browser young again
随时在 Chrome 中访问 DocuSign eSignature。
Create new Documents for Google Drive from your browser bar.
Allows students to see rubric alert and button in Google Docs editor
It's a browser and editor for JSON document.You can get a beautiful view
Collaboratively annotate, highlight, and tag web pages and PDF documents.
Free PDF to Word Converter, This allows you to convert your PDF files to word doc for free. Almost 100% accurate.
Your team’s collective knowledge and process documentation, everywhere you need it.
Add AODocs® features to Google Workspace™ (Google Drive™, Docs™, Sheets™, Slides™, Drawings™ and Gmail™).
Sign and edit PDF documents
If you wish to remove the NetDocuments Extension, please BACKUP your list of connected sites in case you want to reinstall later.
Send docs for electronic signature, or add your own signature in minutes. Sign PDFs directly from Google Drive or Gmail.
You can easily convert your documents to PDF format. PDF converter to convert documents like Word, Excel or Images to PDF.
Automatically create beautiful step-by-step guides with screenshots, in seconds.
Auto-generate step-by-step guides, just by clicking record. Save your team 20+ hours/month vs. video and text tutorials.
Convinent tool to convert DOCX to PDF right from new tab
This extension is used to digitally sign documents with digital certificates.
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