You live in Google Workspace. So should your CRM.
Create, send, track, and eSign proposals and quotes from within Copper CRM to expedite your sales process and close deals fast.
Save images from specific album of coppermine galleries.
Copper Connect is your link between secure digital asset storage and the world of smart contracts. The end-to-end encryption is…
A tipping and appreciation service
This extension allows the user to take a full page screenshot of the active tab. To capture, click on the extension icon.
A gateway to ETH apps compatible with all smartcontracts and dApps, developed by Copper Technologies.
The page you are viewing, it is displayed as close to gold, silver, copper, bronze color through the colored glasses (filter).
No-frills, back to basics task list for busy professionals.
Integration powered by Quick Copper
No-frills, back to basics list of deadlines and tasks for busy professionals
PodReader by Copperpod provides a simple RSS feed reader with a default set of feeds from leading intellectual property blogs.
URLSaver provides a quick and convenient place to save reference URLs while doing online research.
TimeTracker - allows busy professionals to quickly track time spent on projects.
The extension for Google Chrome lets you know about latest news of Copper Cookware and Kitchen Appliances before anyone else
Personalized New Tab With Copper Wasp Fortnite Skin Wallpapers and Other Features.
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