Convert any webpage into an e-book
Easily convert files in bulk. Most video, audio, image, e-book, office, archive & subtitle formats supported. Minecraft files too.
The fastest way to find free e-books.
Create offline e-books from web pages and 'overdrive.com' with a single click on the icon.
Library Genesis or LibGen is an online resource that provides you with books and e-books on different topics including textbooks.
Read EPUB e-books in foreign language
Quickly Add All of your Chrome Bookmarks to Evernote's Boookmark Service!
This extension will give you access to the VU campus (e-journals, e-books, online articles and more).
Automatically import profitable e-books and courses from Amazon and Udemy to your Ubertopics account.
Libby for PC App brings you a large number of e-book collections on different topics and languages in different language
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