Instantly generates a Bibtex, RIS, Endnote, APA, MLA or (B)Arnold S. bibliography item from journal articles, books, etc. .
Generate bibliographies from Chrome! 1) Enter an ISBN from the back of a book and hit enter. 2) Click any of the formatted…
Plagly is a free, automatic citation generator and bibliography tool for MLA, APA, Chicago, and more.
Citation maker exports webpages, check credibility, built in bibliography. MLA 8, MLA 7, APA. EZcite. Easybib. Noodletools. Cite
MLA International Bibliography
Citation generator is a free and easy-to-use browser extension that will help you create citations for your bibliography.
Select SEP in-line citation and get bibliography entry without disrupting your flow
APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, IEEE bibliography and citation generator.
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