Toggle to automatically change input into Kana, perfect simple JP input!
Inserts Furigana in Hiragana, Katakana or Romaji.
Lets the user type in Japanese using Hiragana and Katakana. Users can easily copy or search up the things they type.
This extension allows the user to type Japanese katakana and hiragana characters without downloading an IME.
Learn Japanese hiragana and katakana in every new tab
Convert highlighted text to either Hiragana or Katakana!
Display corresponding hiragana characters above kanji on FluentU
This extension translates an English word to Japanese, provides Hiragana for Kanji, and translates Hiragana/Katakana to English
This extension teaches you the Japanese script (Hiragana/Katakana) through a little game inside your browser.
Cambia el texto de tu navegador del abecedario latino a los silabarios japoneses (kana): hiragana y katakana. Sirve para memorizar…
Learn japanese hiragana and katakana! Auto update word-spellings to include kana.
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