An experiment to render Free Rider tracks in HTML5.
Defending against canvas fingerprinting by reporting a fake value.
Prevent HTML canvas element from generating a unique identification key to protect user's privacy
Instead of blocking JS-API, Canvas Defender creates a unique and persistent noise that hides your real canvas fingerprint
Protect your privacy. Prevent webpages from tracking you by your browser's HTML canvas fingerprint.
View, edit, download high resolution google images and more!
Easily print quizzes from Canvas.
Dark Mode for Canvas.
Automatically load correct answers from previous quiz attempts.
A black theme for UNCC Canvas
Quality-of-life improvements for Canvas by Instructure
Prevent trackers from personally identifying you by using Canvas APIs.
An auto draw extention for Skribbl.io Click and drag an image onto the white canvas and let the auto draw do its thing. Keep in…
Use PlayCanvas to create stunning 3D games for browsers and mobiles.
Curate and Share Insightful Content with your company and team members using the Canvas Chrome extension.
Best dark mode for Canvas, plus other features
Easily add beautiful pages and blocks to your Canvas app.
Improves the University of Auckland lecture recording playback interface.
Extension helps detect if canvas is used at the web page and allows to export and save canvas content.
Download all available course attachments on Canvas. This extension works for all schools that use Canvas LMS.
Adds the Student View link to all pages in Canvas. Look for the spectacles icon at the top right.
This extension will increase the number of features in calculating grades on the Canvas Interface
Canvas super recruiters can add candidates and start chats while viewing candidates in their favorite ATS or recruiting website.
Customize your Canvas experience and do advanced things with your Canvas by Instructure account.
An extension that lets you draw on live web pages.
Canvas Titans makes it easy to use variable data from a CSV file to mass scale your designs and automate the downloads on Canva.com.
View your class roster. In Canvas go to People/Everyone then click on the extension icon to view their pics.
Collect all assignments for courses in Canvas
This extension enables Canvas users to share links from Chrome toolbar
A better to-do list sidebar for Canvas.
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