Make it possible to open by click a link to a local file that is disabled by Chrome.
Disables autoplay of all HTML5 audio and video
Quick way to enable/disable Javascript
Quickly enable/disable Google Chrome extensions
Disable so called copy protection on shady websites. Enable context menu, right click, selection, and copying.
Disable Youtube™ HTML5 Player
Enable right click. Disable "right click disable" site. Test on this page. http://jsrun.it/kyo_ago/xzn4 Source code is here.…
Stops Chrome from suspending tabs, and reloading them when you switch to them.
Enable or disable JavaScript without the hassle.
Since opening local file links is disabled in Chrome, this extension allows to open them. (in html/svg a tags)
Auto skip Video Ads on Youtube. Disables Ads on Youtube and Google.
Have control over WebRTC (disable | enable) and protect your IP address.
Enables you to disable video streams on youtube and listen audio
Adds the ability to disable JavaScript on specific sites.
Prevent users from adding people into the Google Meet sessions.
Back in Web Store! Automatically clear your browser cache before loading a page. Can be enabled/disabled with a single mouse click.
Disable Content-Security-Policy for web application testing. When the icon is colored, CSP headers are disabled.
Disables the Adblock-block feature on several websites. Created by Sourceworks.dk
Disable autoplay and preloading of HTML5 video and audio players.
Temporarily disable all your extensions with one click. Click again and you re-enable all your previously disabled extensions.
Enable copy paste on websites that have disabled copy paste.
Disable cookies on current site
Automatically replaces the Adobe Flash warning message with an embedded HTML5 player (if you have Flash disabled).
Disables autoplay of all HTML5 audio and video
Disables the automatic microphone gain control enabled by web applications like Google Meet and Hangouts.
Provides switches to enable and disable CSS, Javascript, Images, Cookies and Popups.
Disables the "Video Paused. Continue Watching?" popup on youtube.
Disable images on current site.
Play your favorite Zombocalypse unblocked game after the flash player is disabled forever!
Enables right clicking on pages that have it disabled.
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