Bringing you the most popular shots and latest news from popular sites.
Collect designs from Dribbble and Panda Dribbble Feed
Find cell phones & emails on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Github, Stack Overflow, Xing, Meet-up, Dribbble, Google Search & Gmail
Grab Color Palette on Dribbble and generate a json file for importing into Sketch
Autoload the @2x version of shots on Dribbble.com when available.
Steal beautiful colors from Dribbble easily.
Show large shot preview on hover. Supports images, gifs and videos.
With this amazing chrome extension you will see current popular shots whenever you open a new tab. Just login with your Dribbble…
You can comment faster on Dribbble.com. Including two categories: Suggestions & Good Vibes, Both include some general comments.
Dark Mode for Dribbble.
See the full size shot without opening it
Your personal board with designs inspiration from Dribbble, Behance, and Uplabs.
New infinite scrolling for Dribbble recent page based on ID fetching. Other standard enhancements included!
Generate your next Dribbble comment!
Developer friendly color palette extension for Dribbble
Dribbble Comment Extension
If you are a dribbble addicted as well as you have a high resulation display, it's time to view more dribbble shots in a row.
Show all attachments at list page.
See who follows you on Dribbble. Green mark near follower's name in comments, shots, profiles etc.
Drippo is a mini extension for Dribbble that adds emoji & html autocomplete, shot previews and much more!
This extension will automagically zoom to 2x every shot you open in Dribbble
This extension replaces gif thumbnails with the original gifs
tabbbs is a tiny chrome extension that makes browsing on dribbble more comfortable. Infinite scrolling can cause hiccups while…
Tired of clicking @2x?
Desktop notifications for your Dribbble activity.…
Watch your last shot on Dribbble
Dribbble shot description editor
A quick ranking for traction of Dribbble shots.
Enlarges Dribbble's bucket dimensions.
Enables the viewing of shots over a dimmed background.
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