Block annoying ads, popups, malware and tracking (even on Facebook & Youtube), browse faster, and protect your privacy.
Clean your Chrome to make it works faster and protect your privacy.
Removes ads on Youtube. It also allows you to block annotations and pre-rolls.
Ad Remover blocks online ads and activity trackers, which helps sites load faster and protect your privacy.
Make the web faster, more private, and more secure.
Convert & compress videos, record webcam videos. Get faster YouTube uploads. Free & secure.
Read two or three times faster, with SwiftRead. Absorb knowledge and learn more.
A new and faster way to manage your job search right from your Google Chrome browser.
Browse the web faster.
This cool extension removes bloat for the page leading to a faster leaner browsing experience
Write emails faster! Increase your productivity with templates and keyboard shortcuts on Gmail, Outlook, or LinkedIn.
Is Chrome browser Slow? Clean up browsing data. Make your Chrome browser more faster and Protect your privacy!!
A faster way to get your vaccine slot in India
A beautiful homepage every time you open a new tab, instant results helping you search faster
Extension for Netflix™ to skip intros, recaps, start next movie/episode in faster pace and many more.
Team task lists, notes, and video chat. Get work done faster and smarter with Taskade.
Keep Chrome open in the background for faster re-opening
Read all you want faster with Reedy for Google Chrome!
This extension helps in opening the Google result pages faster
Make your web pages load faster! Boost browser speed!
Let your browser become faster by freeing unused resources
BeeLine's color gradient makes reading faster/easier for over 90% of people. How much will it help you?
Irctc Tatkal tickets can be booked much faster by filling the Autofill reservation form placing the button at bookmarks bar.
Sort your chats into tabs on WhatsApp. Find the chat thread you want faster, and never miss a message again!
We help you to protect your privacy and make Chrome work faster.
Turn Gmail into a collaboration tool with shared Kanban boards and make teamwork happen faster, from your inbox.
An upscale web tool that makes the process of searching all your favorite movies easier and faster.
A leading web tool that makes the process of searching all your favorite movies easier and faster. Top Movies Links is a premium…
A leading web tool that makes the process of searching all your favorite movies easier and faster.
Faster, vertical navigation between Chrome tabs
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