KeePassXC 与现代 Web 浏览器的集成
Readonly KeePass password database integration for Chrome™
KeePass integration for browsers using KeePassHttp
Readonly KeePass password database integration for Chrome™
Chrome extension for automatically entering credentials from KeePass/KeeWeb
A read-only, web-enabled version of KeePass.
Add full URL or hostname of the current page to the window title. Helps other apps, e.g., KeePass, identify current page.
FantasyPass integration for browsers using KeePassHttp
Cycle through (text) inputs with a keycombo. Find and focus username and password fields (for password managers, like KeePass).
This extension changes the tab title to include the host. Make Chrome fully compatible with KeePass autotype.
Immediately see how many characters are allowed for a password. Are you using password managing tools, such as KeePass, 1Password…
Very simple change tab title with domain name for KeePass Auto-Type
This extension is for Keepassa password manager.
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