Automatically claims 'Channel Points' on Twitch
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Automatically claims 'Channel Points' on Twitch
Automatically ticks reCAPTCHA buttons when detected
Automatically click on element matching search criteria
Clicks a link with a keyword you specify
Twitch Points Farmer (Autoclicker)
Win games, lose friends. Set with friends set highlighter/autoclicker. Spacebar to highlight; m to autoclick.
This script runs every 5 seconds and clicks a bonus button if there is one.
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Bind keys Space, BrowserBack and BrowserForward to video player controls. Autoclick on "Skip Ad" button.
Automatically gets all the Twitch.tv Channel Points for you
Claims the bonus points of twitch channel you are watching without you leaving fullscreen. Simply clicks bonus button automatically.
an auto clicker for TurningPoint!
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