Automatically clicks reCAPTCHA buttons when detected
Verify Google ReCaptcha V2 automatically with solving services
Automatic Captcha Solver & Auto reCAPTCHA v2 Solution
Automatically solve CAPTCHAs using AI.
Solve, extract and automate ReCaptcha data collection.
Solving reCaptchas is your new hobby!
Automatically ticks reCAPTCHA buttons when detected
Escape and reCAPTCHA is a speed thinking game where you need to solve a Google reCAPTCHA ('I'm not a Robot') box under a time limit.
A chrome extension to solve Google reCaptcha
Replaces the "I'm not a robot" text from Google's reCAPTCHA and replaces it with the words "I feel love for others".
Advanced bot for loot assistant with antiReCaptcha.
Verify Google ReCaptcha V2 automatically with solving services
Esta extensão recupera token ao resolver o reCaptcha
reCaptcha Solver
reCaptcha Solver
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