Replace new tab page with a personal dashboard featuring to-do, weather, and inspiration.
Shoot your weapon and use its recoil momentum to get as far as possible before running out of ammo!
KanbanTab is the ideal default tab to help you efficiently organize tasks and build the momentum to get things done!
Brings you daily inspiration quote, and curated photos, when you open a new tab similar to Momentum and Infinity.
This extension's aim is to change the Facebook's basic 'love' and 'angry' emoticons to a 'purple love' and 'O1G' ones.
Create compliance action incidents in the Momentum Factor FieldWatch compliance monitoring and case management system.
A clone of Momentum, with three new productivity features.
a Momentum-like extension with quotes from Chinese top entrepreneurs
Convert currency on webpages and convert your own currency.
Grant Homentum is a similar to Momentum but allows you to update the images based on your interests! To practice more JavaScript, I…
empowering users to break the momentum of binge-watching through breaks and wellness activities
A Momentum clone, by Twenty Turtles - TurtleTab is a Chingu Voyage build to learn project.
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