Play musical rhythm game Friday Night Funkin Unblocked offline
Inverts page colors, showing white text on a dark background
Game Five Nights at Freddy's is unblocked for school in this addon. Play FNaF unblocked anytime you want!
Invert page colors to reduce strain on eyes and improve readability at night.
Take care of your eyes day and night using dark theme for Zendesk tools and services.
Total dark mode for Web! Classic dark theme for any websites, switch to dark mode and back in one click.
Take care of your eyes day and night using dark theme for Jira tools and services.
Turn dark theme for websites
Dark theme for every website. Care your eyes, use Dark Reader for night and daily browsing.
The dark theme protects the eyes, changing the Wikipedia theme to black. For those who do not like the white theme Wikipedia.
Convert all websites to dark color scheme.
Friday Night Funkin cursor for chrome. Choose your favorite Friday Night Funkin game cursor with this extension. For FNF fans.
Dark Mode, read at night. Bluelight filter for every website. Relax your eyes at night and day.
Gives you the real price per night of an Airbnb stay after accounting for any and all fees
Night mode for the 9gag website!
Five Nights at Freddy's is a horror story about toys that come to live. Play FNAF games and try to not cry!
We bring to you a very beautiful YouTube™ Dark Mode. This is a modern design of dark mode for YouTube™.
Optimize any website for legibility and reading: clear spaced font, nice contrast, zen focus & night dark mode. Simple & lightweight
照顧好你的眼睛。 從列表中將屏幕亮度更改為特殊的護眼顏色或您喜歡的顏色。
Darkens bright pages for easier night time reading. Unofficial improvement of 'Nicer Inverter'.
Test your favorite FNF characters in a single extension, online! Choose one from Whitty, Agoti, Tricky and many more!
Stylish Clocks with Day - Night animation and nice settings for FVD Speed Dial [FVD]
Filter BlueLight effectively when browsing the web! Does not affect the visual experience!
Darkens bright pages for easier night time reading. Unofficial improvement of Inverter.
Easy just click to switch to night mode, it makes the display much easier on your eyes!
Play FNAF unblocked for school! Five nights at freddy's is a scariest game ever
Makes sites design dark. Night vision for all sites. Better than color inverters.
Darker mode is for all websites on the web, look after your eyes great for night and day surfing
Friday Night Funkin unblocked musical rhythm game where you compete in freestyle music battles! FNF unblocked to play offline
Reading comfortably with inverted brightness but preserved hue
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