Coin-Hive Blocker

开发者工具插件大小: 37.3KiB版本: v 0.18更新时间: 2021-12-21
大小:37.3KiB版本:v 0.18更新时间:2021-12-21

Save your computer from CryptoJackers

Coin-Hive Blocker 的使用方法详解,最全面的教程

Coin-Hive Blocker 描述:



扩展大小:37.3 KiB


版本:v 0.18

Coin-Hive Blocker 插件简介:

这是来自Chrome商店的 Coin-Hive Blocker 浏览器插件,您可以在当前页面下载它的最新版本安装文件,并安装在Chrome、Edge等浏览器上。

Coin-Hive Blocker插件下载方法/流程:


Coin-Hive Blocker插件安装教程/方法:


(2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面

(3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式”

(4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面,


Super-light script that removes coin-hive and other crypto-miners from all websites. The script both cancels all requests from Coinhive and removes the script from the DOM before it loads. * Update 18 - Phasing out Premium * Update 17 - Notification change * Update 16 - Handle denied permission for email * Update 15 - Premium plan notification * Update 0.14 - Fix for initial pattern list * Update 0.13 - Bugfix for too sensitive CPU-scanner - CoinHiveblocker Premium - Server rendered auto-analysis of suspicious pages(premium) - Wider range of known miner-domains(premium) - Added guide for miners not blockable by chrome api(premium) * Update 0.12 - New UI - Bugfixes - Collecting data on already blocked domains - New server for block-list - Block-timeout - New Switch method * Update 0.11 - Add notification block, small change in UI (popup) *Update 0.10 - Bug Fix, fetch backup blacklist locally on failed fetch *Update 0.9 - Add whitelist for reported sites to avoid unnecessary notifications *Update 0.8 - Add CPU-load detection - Blacklist is now fetched from github ( - Notification when consistant high CPU-load, fetches site-url and sends to dev for inspection *Update 0.7 - Remove welcome screen (it was annoying) *Update 0.6 - Update list of miners to block *Update 0.5 - Creating statistics from blocked sites - Toggle to statistics display-mode - Welcome message *Update 0.4 - Toggle on and off the blocker by clicking the icon top left *Update 0.3 - Updating to block coin-hives new domain ----------------------------------------------------------- Source-code: Coin-Hive is: "Coinhive offers a JavaScript miner for the Monero Blockchain (Why Monero?) that you can embed in your website. Your users run the miner directly in their Browser and mine XMR for you" This means it steals your CPU power and slows your computer down.


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