Cypress Recorder from Preflight

开发者工具插件大小: 2.82MiB版本: v 1.1.3更新时间: 2022-02-24
大小:2.82MiB版本:v 1.1.3更新时间:2022-02-24

Generate adapting Cypress script 30x faster than writing and deal less with debugging tests.

Cypress Recorder from Preflight 的使用方法详解,最全面的教程

Cypress Recorder from Preflight 描述:



扩展大小:2.82 MiB


版本:v 1.1.3

Cypress Recorder from Preflight 插件简介:

这是来自Chrome商店的 Cypress Recorder from Preflight 浏览器插件,您可以在当前页面下载它的最新版本安装文件,并安装在Chrome、Edge等浏览器上。

Cypress Recorder from Preflight插件下载方法/流程:


Cypress Recorder from Preflight插件安装教程/方法:


(2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面

(3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式”

(4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面,


Generate Cypress Code in minutes. Automate Cypress scripts that tests emails. Get suggestions for selectors don't work. Utilize Faker.js in your tests automatically. Generate Cypress Test Code in seconds. 30x Faster experience with minimal debugging tests. HOW IS THE MAGIC DONE? * As you navigate through the application that you want to test, our extension records every action performed by you. For example, it notices and records every click behavior and suggests necessary actions. * The tool suggests random variables of your choice to fill in the input fields. You can always use your custom variables to get the best results. * Our tool provides you with a temporary mailbox for the random email that you have filled in the application. It helps you to verify your actions regarding the email throughout the tests. * You can set assertions for the important portions of the application. It is as simple as dragging and dropping flags to set visual and text checkpoints/assertions. * After you have saved the test, our tool automatically generates the Cypress code for the test you just completed. It will provide you with an option to copy the whole Cypress code. * You can now run that Cypress test code through any code editor and test your application with different variables. It will provide you with a significantly dynamic testing experience. * If there is any change in the code, the necessary data will be provided automatically from the pre-recorded test in PreFlight. And, the Cypress test code will automatically adapt to the changes. WHAT ARE THE KEY FUNCTIONALITIES? Auto-recording: If you have to manually instruct for recording any step completed by you during the test, it will become an absolutely inefficient testing experience. Our Cypress recorder automatically saves all your actions like clicking on any component. This helps in testing the crucial features such as Sign Up, login, etc. Auto-save: There is no point in any step being recorded if it is not saved. Our Cypress recorder saves every step of the test being completed. Even the smallest steps like scrolling are never ignored by our tool. It works as the foundation of constructive feedback that helps you improve your product. Auto-generation of Cypress Code: The tool does not need any special instruction to generate the Cypress code for whatever simple to complex steps that are performed during the test. As soon as you finish saving the test with a name of your choice, you can copy its complete Cypress code that is automatically generated. Adapt To Change: In conventional test automation tools, if the test code is modified during the test, it breaks. But, PreFlight’s Cypress recorder identifies the change and acquires necessary information from the saved test, and automatically adapts to the changes. These developed AI features of our tool save a lot of time and resources through efficient QA tests. WHY IS IT THE PERFECT CHOICE FOR YOU? You have developed your product with immense dedication and massive dreams of success. Bugs or delays in the functionality of its features are surely not something that you like. And, the only way to get rid of them is by thoroughly testing your product for detailed feedback that can eventually help you to improve its quality. The web applications are often so complex that manually testing them is one of the worst nightmares that you can experience. They have multiple complex features dealing with huge databases and external components. So, the most efficient way to test the products is by automating the tests and making the entire product team hustle to improve their quality. But, the barrier of coding knowledge may create difficulties for the non-technical team members to work with the technical ones. That’s where the simplest yet most effective codeless test automation tool PreFlight connects the whole team for working together. Cypress codes allow you to automate the complex QA tests along with using various sets of variables for different test cases. But, developing those complex Cypress test codes may be very cumbersome for you. Our Cypress recorder converts the tests conducted by you to its most efficient Cypress code. No matter if you have coding knowledge or not, you can just complete the steps of the test as per the users’ perspective. Our tool will automatically record and save the test, and generate its Cypress code. Both beginner and experienced QA engineers will benefit from the immediate feedback provided by our tool. At every step of the testing process, you will receive effective feedback and assistance from the browser extension. So, the Cypress recorder from PreFlight is the best choice for anyone with zero, less, or advanced coding knowledge. You may have to modify the test code at any point during the test. Don’t worry. Your test will never break due to any modification in the code. The generated Cypress test code collects the necessary information from PreFlight’s server regarding the test and adapts to every change implemented on the code. Hence, our Cypress recorder is suitable for every requirement of a QA test. WHAT MAKES IT STAND OUT AMONG THE OTHER SIMILAR TOOLS? There are many other tools that declare themselves as no-code tools but, eventually, users get to deal with complex codes. But, our Cypress recorder keeps its promise of being absolutely codeless. Even if you have no coding knowledge, just set up the test through simple steps from the users’ perspective, and our tool will generate its Cypress code. You will never have to deal with coding and debugging tests. It is a simple browser extension, so you just need to install it to use its features. There is no need for any configuration for the tests. While other tools require complex processes like server setup, code setup, etc., our simple yet effective browser extension makes you achieve impressive efficiency in the tests. Our tool allows you to use numerous sets of variables along with all your custom variables to test your application under different test conditions. It also provides you with immediate feedback and suggestions at every step of the testing process. Hence, even any non-technical member of the product team can easily test the application and collect detailed results. With PreFlight’s Cypress recorder, you are always able to modify the code. Our server automatically provides the necessary information so that the Cypress test code adapts to the changes. We are always active on the mission to serve you with the best. Our development works are always going on for adding new features to our existing products and for developing new ones. So, just try out this awesome tool from PreFlight and let us know about your experience and feedback.


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