
Shows the IP address of current web site, locate the IP geolocation on the map.
Show FirePHP log messages in the Chrome Developer Console
Easily compare CSS of two HTML elements.
Catch the web media for download. 捕捉网络媒体以供下载。
UiBot Native Message Plugin是一款用于提供UiBot与Chrome浏览器之间的通信,为UiBot提供自动化操作支持的Chrome插件。
Simple Modify headers
快速切换 Domain-IP 配置而不需要编辑 Hosts 文件,并方便的添加、修改、分组(批量开关)。Switch domain-ip mapping (Hosts file) between different environment
Change User-Agent Setting. Spoof it to the UA of Firefox, Android, Chromebook, Safari, Googlebot or a custom string.
format several JSON documents in one window, depends to your screen width, up to 6.
Adds the API mocker Mokku to Dev Tools for seamless integration & testing.
This extension helps you to control wich cookies webpages saves of you.
Fast JSON viewer - highlights, shows items count/size, handles large files
Three.js Inspector is an extension to inspect three.js page. It allow to interact with almost all three.js demos out there.
Adds many features to the Waze editor
Terminal emulator and SSH and SFTP client.
Makes your pastime on the Internet a bit safety by block tracking and flash from undesirable sites.
Aternity Web Activity Creator
This extension allows you to use https://botclient.tk
Live editing text and HTML content of the page with the Sublime Text from the page context or DevTools.
Awesome viewer for Java and android code snippets
Performs syntax highlighting on files visited in the browser based on their extension
Inspect element for content, and margin.
Gerar CPF/CNPJ para auxiliar os desenvolvedores em testes de sistemas. O usuário e responsável pela uso das informações.
Track your practice progress on Codeforces.
Instantly auto-generate the most robust locator including Xpath, CSS selector and more for use with Selenium or Protractor.
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