
Ensure your online safety by automatically blocking known malware websites. Updated daily with new defintions!
防止Google Analytics和Tag Manager的JavaScript API收集数据和记录用户。
The programmer's assistant of the future
Quickly removes HTML UI validations for back-end validation testing
Powerful tool for developers which allows to pick whole pack of CSS rules from selected DOM element.
Keeps tabs on your setTimeout's
Easy access to many useful Javascript libraries in javascript console.
Show basic Open Graph tags
Gerador de dados ficticios, para testes em preenchimento de formulários.
Disable CORS in a better way
RTB House Tags Helper
Capture styles and markup for element plus children.
Enables you to easily find Sencha Ext JS Components from DOM elements and generates various locators for them.
Detailed App analytics: Category rankings, competitors, review summaries Optimize your app's keyword rankings, track your downloads.
This extension attempts to detect PunyCode domain phishing attack
Uncover any short url including adf.ly, linkbucks.com and more with ease
Ptite1688 cung cấp công cụ hỗ trợ bạn đặt hàng trực tuyến tại các website thương mại điện tử như 1688, TMALL, Taobao.
This extension automatically generates and opens a Hastebin link.
Easily inject javascript libraries from the console
Catch and redirect resources loaded from a specific domain to any file hosted on a local or remote server.
This extension will convert multiple values to selected delimiter format.
A Chrome extension that lets you see a website's framework and libraries
Yakaferci identifie les éléments SEO bloquants et trouve les solutions pour un référencement naturel efficace et durable
This extension copies the current tab's link and title, formatted into Markdown, HTML, or a custom format.
See when Webtrekk events are being tracked.
Scan the site and analyze the files with Foca!
Offline Frontend Playground right in your browser
Scrape links from any site
See the language usage breakdown of a User or Org right on their GitHub profile page.
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