
Change or invert the color scheme according to the time of day.
Rating bar over video thumbnail in YouTube shows likes and dislikes before you start a video. Choose the best rated files!
Detect and auto-close unwanted popups and redirects ads
Easy access to the iTunes app on your PC for free.
מאפשר ניגון שירים על ידי שינוי החיפוש שלך
VLC Video Downloader-将任何视频文件保存到播放列表中,并随身携带在网络上
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添加一个切换开关,以使用Google Meets and Hold Spacebar中的网格布局进行交谈
Esta aplicacion te notificara de las ultimas actualizaciones de nuestra pagina web.
Side by side scripts to help whilst working with schoolcheats.net
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Online Login replaces your new tab with Quick Account Login access with sponsored web search. Online Login extension offers quick…
Auto-modify the url to load Sci-Hub page with your article
Chrome Currency Converter that works. Power up your Browser with Online Currency Exchange
Download videos using Video Downloader Professional.
Page of Thunder Express Flashget whirlwind link is automatically replaced with a real address, and integrated utility such as speed…
轻松下载 Instagram 上的图片和视频。
Quickly play or add a YouTube video (playlist), Twitch to PotPlayer using buttons on a page, also via context menu and middle-click
Stylus 是一个调整网页外观的用户样式管理器。它可让您轻松地为许多热门网站网站安装主题和皮肤。
Provides useful features for dancers
YouTube Video Flipper插件是一款能帮助谷歌浏览器用户进行YouTube视频镜像的Chrome插件。
Restore closed tabs.
Youtube Repeat Button是一款支持谷歌浏览器用户在Youtube.com上为视频播放器添加并启动循环播放按钮的chrome插件。
Open videos and audios in IINA.
The video ad remover
Chrome extension for Scribd Document pages revealing without subscribing.
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