
Ticketdatamaster Ticketmaster Extension
TamrelTradeCenterを日本語化。検索条件入力欄、検索結果、結果に特性を追加表示。#ESO #ElderScrollsOnline
Plan Steam Community Market buy orders
Personal new tab page v2
Easy to get Aegis with eagis. This is a security tool to protect you from NFT scams and phishing Websites. You can get this on…


Download slides on NTHU eeclass
Command palette for Chrome.
Chrome extension that groups tabs together by domain
PrivatizeMe: Personal Data Control Simplified
This extension makes certain Trello forms more readable and therefore useful.
Unlock LinkedIn
Scrolls page to top
Play video subtitles on NPO.nl website
Helping chess to become acessible for everyone!
You can pin or unpin a tab by shaking a tab.
Best-ever PKU gateway widget, by Harttle, Rea and Mr.S. 最好的网关插件在北大。
Customize the web by adding your own js and css to websites.
Chrome-Extension that automatically converts time to your local time zone.
Autoplaying openload, streamango, and other video.
Submit a link to Digg
ArzDigital extention
Change the displaying currency on Decentraland's marketplace
Blurs, greeks (dummy text, 'lorem ipsum') web elements and focuses on the form.
A Chrome extension to make the webcomic Homestuck (and various unofficial spinoffs such as Vast Error) easier to read by replacing…
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