
Macht die Zeiterfassung im Collabtive einfacher.
TUM eAccess: Access to Electronic Media
Calculate the sum of today's working hours and pause times
Wide column mode for esa
Record screen activity, camera, mic, tab, speakers
Night Mode for Hacker News (news.ycombinator.com)
Replce all mentions of coronavirus or any other words in your browser with more positive phrases
Synchronize scrolling between any window and Google Translate window.
Opens up a user defined set of pages only for the first launch of the browser on a day
Allows collapsing puzzle sections
Current Page to QR Code
BlocNote pour GoogleChrome
Extensão para notificá-lo de novos anúncios disponíveis no lucrePay!
Disables Squarespace site's behavior of redirecting to login when Escape key is pressed.
Creates a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + C) which copies links for selected tabs
Сервис укорачивания ссылок
Chrome Extension granting WebRTC screen capturing capabilities to Concepttutors meetings.
Softens harsh whites and blacks to improve web readability
This extension will notify you when you have more then n tabs open
Simple extension that exports selected thread music recommendations from music recs without context facebook group
Increase your produtivity
An extension to allow you to share Video screen
Manage tabs efficiently
Convert your autobiography to suit the NTUST website.


유튜브와 니코니코동화에서 자막을 사용할 수 있습니다.
This will enable the Chapters feature for Youtube.
Generates mask signals for AIG
Описание: Данное расширение поможет вам получить список пользователей участвующих в опросе в vk. Для этого необходимо перейти на…
Adds a volume control slider to Gfycat gifs with sound.
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