
Displays remaining quota for inhabitants of St Peter Wohnheim
Track time effortlessly from your Google Chrome Browser.
Rendering fonts as beautifully as possible for Windows.
Ledger Live nano X and Ledger live nano S on the go using Ledger Live for Google Chrome.
Are you tired of the same old low-resolution dashboard pictures? Does the K12 light mode burn your eyes? If so, this is the…
Sort by lowest ask in Topshot
Расширение для перевода и сохранения иностранных слов в персональный словарь
Internal company tool to login into SkuSku accounts automatically, without having to remember credentials
Translate the answers on Central Test
Displays actual contents of text. Great for checking text containing abnormal characters.
Turn dark_mode on any site
Make Feedly automatically match your system's dark/light theme.
Adds simple, brwoser native, From and To date fields under the WR chart


Hide pages on Google Docs
fully integrated with Logify Apps
Radiocut on steroids
Opens a set of your favorite tabs.
מאפשר לחפש שירים בצורה נוחה, משנה את מנוע החיפוש
The emogif uploader for slack.
IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes scores added to your Netflix. Woof.
Transforma O Whats em Um Atalho


uShare, a browser extension that helps you share a url by just scanning a QR Code. Fast. Simple.
Hide Slides Menu!
Extension to auto click 'Skip Recap' and 'Skip Intro' on streaming pages, when they pop up
Helps to block content on 4Chan
Türkiye'nin Ödüllü Web Tasarım ve Yazılım Ajansı
With sportztv.store you get access satellite channels from all around the world including the USA, UK, Canada.
detect shaparak pages!


Subtile voiceover for streaming services.
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